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Tuakana Teina is a ‘carbon stack’ containing a 1000-page court injunction, shredded Pōhutukawa tree, pea straw, and hay. Dimensions 2000cm x 2000cm x 2000cm


Tuakana Teina relates to our relationship to the kororā (little penguin) and all other taonga species because they are our Tuakana – they come before us in our whakapapa line. Our relationship to them is tapu and we have an inherent responsibility to protect them.

Bianca Ranson created this work for the Blue Radius exhibition in collaboration with her sister Te Aata Rangimarie Smith and in partnership with Richard Wallis, of the Carbon Cycle Company, who is the originator of the 'carbon stack'.

Stack building in gallery on 2 Sep 2022 (Video courtesy of Depot Artspace)

Climate justice starts with those most vulnerable in our community including our taonga species. Extraction, pollution, and governance have left our moana in a biodiversity crisis, facing ecological collapse. The mauri of our moana is under threat. Protect Pūtiki, a group of mana whenua, mātāwaka, and the Waiheke community, have been rising in defence of the kororā and mauri of Pūtiki Bay against the development of a luxury marina. This work involves 300 piles being rammed into the seabed, causing a section of active kororā habitat to be completely destroyed. This is against the wishes of mana whenua and the Waiheke Community. 32 members of Protect Pūtiki have been served with an injunction and sued for $700k.


Tuakana Teina is a ‘carbon stack’ containing the shredded 1000-page injunction and a shredded Pōhutukawa tree ripped from the breakwater by the marina contractors–these artefacts represent our struggle. The carbon stack contributes to the composting of all food waste on Waiheke Island. When these artefacts become nutrient-rich soil and kai from our māra, they will feed the hungry stomachs of those making this urgent stand at a time of biodiversity and climate crisis. This ‘elephant-sized’ carbon stack stands in the gallery also as a reminder of the climate crisis. Time has long run out. Without radical ideas and action for the protection of te taiao our future is not guaranteed.

At the end of the exhibition all the 'carbon stack' materials were gathered into bags and transported back to Waiheke and the mara at Piritahi Marae, to be used to grow kumara - just as Bianca told us.

stack returning home.jpg

© 2025 by Laura Donkers

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