auckland climate festival
film screening of
Land Radius|2.

date. 1-2 and 29-30 October 2022
city. New Zealand Maritime Museum, Tamaki Makarau (Auckland)
form. Film Screening

LimenLab took part in Auckland Climate Festival (October 2022), teaming up with host venue New Zealand Maritime Museum to screen LandRadius|2 on rotation during museum hours 10am-5pm. Visitors were invited to view this audiovisual work in its entirety, or to drop in to experience the film in segments.
Land Radius|2 is a 60-minute, meditative film devised and directed by ecological artist Laura Donkers. It presents an audiovisual exchange between artists, scientists, mana whenua and community activists who share observations and frustrations about the ecological emergency in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.
The New Zealand Maritime Museum Hui Te Ananui a Tangaroa represents one of the most maritime nations in the world and the stories of every one of us who is affected by the sea, whether through immigration, trade, design, innovation or leisure. The Maritime Museum is a hub for all of these stories expressed the galleries and through their programme of events, special exhibitions, heritage sailings and more.